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Untuk kekuatan power jaw crusher, alat ini memiliki power source dengan spesifikasi 5.5 HP 3 Phases 4 Kw 220-380 V 4 Pole. Dengan spesifikasi tersebut membuat alat jaw crusher ini dapat bekerja secara maksimal. Get Price. CMS. Dec 24, 2021CMS。.,,。. 4.mysql,。. 9.,,cms。. 10. Get Price. ic to jaw crusher sbm. sbm jaw crusher model pe600900 ...
Austria-based SBM Mineral Processing has introduced its new JawMax 200 mobile jaw crusher. The company, which is celebrating its 70 th anniversary, described the mobile processing plant as an entry-level model for processing and recycling construction rubble.. The compact machine has transport weight of 27 tons and a feed opening of 1,000 x 600mm.